Imedlar Co., Ltd. Apps

AppCrossReader 1.3.5
AppCross為一高互動電子書產製平台,讓傳統的平面編輯透過AdobeIndesign工具,以直覺拖拉點擊方式,發揮美感與創意,並滿足行動Apps特性,所設計的所見及所得編輯平台。AppCrossReader為此產製平台iOS的預覽工具,透過Wi-fi與直接itune連線,以簡單直覺的方式讓編輯者,立即體驗所設計的互動電子書AppCross is a highlyinteractive e-book production system platform for traditional printedit through Adobe Indesign tools to intuitive drag-and-click, playbeauty and creativity, and to meet the action Apps feature,designed WYSIWYG editing platform.AppCross Reader production system iOS platform preview tool,through direct itune Wi-fi connection, in a simple intuitive wayfor this purpose editors, immediately experience the design ofinteractive e-books
跨界農起來 1.0.0
大馬台商 1.0.0
馬來西亞台灣商會聯合總會係在馬來西亞社團法令下獲准註冊的唯一代表在馬來西亞台商的合法團體。協會宗旨在於配合中華民國政策、促進對馬國之投資、加強會員彼此間之聯繫與協調、提供會員有關馬來西亞法令之服務與諮詢、協助會員間彼此交換商情資訊、協助解決會員在馬國投資或經商所遭遇之困難,並謀求會員之權益。2014年馬來西亞台商總會除了出版紙本工商名錄,加強會員彼此間之聯繫,並製作行動app版,與時代無縫連接。The sole representativeof the Federation of Malaysia, Taiwan Chamber of CommerceDepartment allowed under the Societies Act Malaysia registered inMalaysia, Taiwan's legal community. Association with the Republicof China policy aims to promote investment in the horse country, tostrengthen links and coordination among members of each other,providing member services and consulting related laws of Malaysia,Business information exchange among its members to assist eachother to help solve Member investing or doing business in Malaysiathe difficulties encountered, and to seek the interests of itsmembers.Apart from the Federation of Malaysia in 2014 Taiwanesepublication paper business directories, to strengthen ties betweenmembers of each other, and to create a mobile app version, seamlessconnection with the times.
萬華,艋舺達人趴趴走 1.0.2
艋舺萬華萬華舊稱『艋舺』,取名源自於凱達格蘭族MANKAH的音譯艋舺原為台灣原住民平埔族凱達格蘭族語「獨木舟」之意,因其為港口,多見獨木舟。艋舺地區漸漸向東發展成為原住民帶著地瓜與漢人交易而成為『蕃薯市』,乾隆年間日益繁榮而興建了龍山寺、青山宮和清水祖師廟,工商業的建設發展帶動了艋舺地區的商業興盛;至1920年日人施行地方制度將艋舺改為喻有『萬年均能繁華』的『萬華』,漸漸地從昔日小商域發展成為今日中華路以西迄新店溪、忠孝西路以南的萬華區讓我們看盡了台北的過去。艋舺因港商之利,曾經盛極一時,於清治時期,與台南府城、彰化鹿港並列為三大重要城市,有「一府二鹿三艋舺」之稱,現則有城市結盟。作者:馬瑞祥 林千霈 林瑞娟 羅偉政 李志勇
AppCrossStudio 1.0.0
AVer VC 101 1.1.0
AVer VC 101 is an all-in-one app thatprovidesessential information about product features, add-onfeatures,marketing materials and the purchasing of AVer videoconferencingproducts.AVer video conferencing can be summed up in one simple phrase…morefor your money! Effortless video conferencing at anincrediblyaffordable price is what AVer delivers for all itsvideoconferencing solutions, which come as all-in-one packages withthebest price to performance ratio on the market. All AVer VCsystemsuse the H.323 and SIP protocols so users can rest assuredthattheir AVer VC system is compatible with all major VC brands.With anumber of one-of-a-kind features, an industry-leadingwarranty andsmooth HD imaging, AVer turns the dream ofhigh-quality,budget-friendly video conferencing into a reality forsmall tomedium-sized businesses, universities and organizations ofallkinds.
美感入門 1.0.4